Saturday, December 31, 2011

1/52: Ms. Postponer says Hi's 2012. This is one of those moments when I can personally say, finally. You see, I'm a postponer (if there's such a word) - I postpone things; always putting off doing them believing that's it's not the right time, nor moment, or the weather's bad, or whatever lame excuse I can conjure in my head. Now I can't exactly point out the reason why I do these things, but if I would have to guess, I think it has a lot to do with fear - fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of going against the norm. And if I may be so bold, I'd dare to admit that I do a lot of things out of fear - I study because I fear the disappoint in my parents' eyes; I took up my course in college because I fear that if I don't, I'll end up poor, lonely, and stuck in this country; I seldom bring the car when I go out because I fear there won't be enough parking space or all that's left will be parallel parking spaces (Trust me, I know). This fear has gotten me this far though. I'm living a not-bad life for someone who just started working. But you know, at the end of a long workday, at the end of an exhilarating night, at the end of a lovely vacation, I find myself staring out blankly into nothingness and can't help but feel that something's missing. It's like I'm too busy trying to live out a life that's not really my own. And I know that that's normal, I know that life is an unending search for questions without answer blah blah blah, but I'd like to march to my own beat now, chase life in a pace I'm comfortable in.

And starting this blog is one tiny step towards that, consider this a symbolic ritual if you may. I've been wanting to create a personal blog for ages, I just never got around to doing it. And if I can't sidestep a landmine as small as starting a blog, how am I supposed to expect to tackle all the other more important issues?  So here's to baby steps; to driving around the city faster than 30kph, to wearing high heels at inappropriate places, to saying yes to seemingly bad ideas.  

To discovering horizons, to seeing beauty in adversity, to culinary attempts and failures,
To new experiences, to scribbling in torn pages of notebooks and sketching in tissue papers, 
To family, friends, and love, 
To art, to travel, to passion, to adventure, to life - Ms Postponer says Hi.